Click here to read a letter from the Director for Urban Education at Manchester Metropolitan University dated July, 2008.
Click here to read a letter of recommendation from Bonnie Summers, the Executive Director of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association dated March 29, 2010.
I was first introduced to the concept of kaizen by Dr. Bob in 1988 on his first visit to the UK. Without doubt the teachings of Dr. Bob which underpinned the practices of gradual, unending improvements that can be introduced in to any organizational culture had a profound effect on me.
For the past 15 years it has become a way of life and has influenced my way of working, providing sound practical methods that are appropriate not only at work but at home. For the past ten years I have worked closely with Dr. Bob introducing his teaching to an increasingly wide audience from British Local Government Departments, Voluntary Sector Agencies, Private Sector Companies, and Arts and Theatrical Organizations. Observing from the sidelines the impact of kaizen principles on the audience but more importantly perhaps, the feedback from delegates attending the Maurer programmes who consistently referred to the impact that the programme had on not only their workplace environment but also on their social environment and of course the fact that many repeat, attend year on year to have the message reinforced and to speak positively about their experiences.
Laurie Embury
Former Director of Housing and Health (Local Government,UK)
Director of IHM Solutions Limited (Management, Mentoring, and Training)
In my 30 years of non-profit management experience, I have heard many speakers on the topic of leadership and attended numerous seminars on the subject. Bob Maurer is the best in terms of both theoretical underpinning and practical application. I found his thoughts on kaizen to ring true both for my personal life and for Habitat for Humanity as an organization. I expect Dr. Maurer’s ideas to have a profound impact on people, businesses, and organizations.
Ted Swisher
Vice President of US Affiliates
Habitat for Humanity International
Dear Robert,
Members of the Inside Edge are still talking about, and sharing with each other, the positive impact of your recent presentation at the Orange County chapter. All of us here wish to express our sincere appreciation for your remarkable and unique presentation.
It's because of people such as you, excited about what they are doing, and willing to share it with others, that a new kind of community is being modeled here at the Inside Edge.
Your thought provoking, yet humorous presentation filled with fascinating gems of insight and anecdotes left us hungry for more. What an innovative mind, keen intellect and witty good humor you shared with us! We thoroughly enjoyed the morning that you spent with us. Thank you for your fine contribution -- we hope to see more of you in the future.
Please know that we appreciate your support and wish you the very best. Keep in touch and let us know how we may further support you in your important work.
Warmest regards,
Odile Nicolette
Program Director, The Inside Edge
Foundation for Education
Tustin, California
Dear Dr. Maurer,
Your lecture last evening exceeded expectations! The comments included "super", "outstanding", "would like to learn more" and "wonderful, wonderful - bring Dr. Maurer back." Indeed, we hope we can bring you back. Thank you for sharing you valuable time and your insights and perspective with us at TWC-F. You gave us a wonderful gift and we are most grateful. I'm certain that our participants will be sharing the concept af Kaizen with each other for many months and those who were not able to attend will also benefit.
One of our feedback forms commented that you were a "lovely man" and I agree. I watched and listened as you answered the question about friends who ask about prognosis. The entire room felt the warmth and caring you communicated with your response.
Anne D. Kennedy
Executive Director
The Wellness Community
Pasadena, California
"You are so generous to give the TV Academy another fascinating evening. What a treat it is to hear you lecture! It was a truly outstanding event, and the good feedback has been overwhelming. Many of the members of the audience attended your lecture at the Academy last year and were delighted to have the opportunity to hear you again. We want you to now how very much we appreciate this wonderful gift you have given us.
Noreen Stone & Rocci Chatfield
Governors, Writers Branch,
Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
"We have received numerous positive comments from the more than 220 people who were at Cancer Survivors' Day. We were especially impressed with your presentation; we felt you were the best speaker we have had!"
Mary Brickhouse, RN, MS, OSN -
Cancer Program Manager,
Torrance Memorial Cancer Center
"I want to express our appreciation for the wonderful presentation as it provided valuable information which caused us to evaluate how we manage our employees as well as our lives. Comments from the managers included: 'outstanding speaker', 'the best presentation we had', 'excellent', 'bring back Dr. Maurer'. Thank you . . . you touched the lives of a lot of people."
Sharon F. Hornsby-
Assistant Executive Assistant, Internal Revenue Service
Re: Robert Mauer, Ph.D.
Our File Re Reference: 99004,02296
Dear Mr. Seymour:
I am writing to you to introduce Dr. Robert Mauer, Ph.D., a renowned psychologist, who has the professional experience and "people skills" to be an outstanding psychology talk show host, who will be adored by his listeners. Dr. Mauer is presently on staff in the Family Practice Residency Program at Santa Monica Hospital Medical Center, and frequently lectures and presents seminars and workshops dealing with relationships, self-esteem, and stresses and dilemmas of contemporary living.
I invite you to witness for yourself the amazing rapport and magnetism that Dr. Mauer develops with his audience. I know you will be impressed not only by his overall presence, but especially by his rapport with everyone in the room, He is incredibly patient, attentive and sensitive to each guest and his or her particular situation.
You will find his advice to be reasonable and sensible, as well as astute and insightful. It is amazing to watch Dr. Mauer as he relates to the guests as though he has known them all their lives and is their very best friend. The array of emotions and feelings that are experienced, from tears to laughter, is truly astonishing.
Very Truly yours,
Minda R. Schechter
Graham & James
Los Angeles, California
Dear Dr. Maurer,
On behalf of the members of the Santa Monica Education Coalition (Santa Monica/UCLA Medical Center, Saint John's Hospital and Health Center, Senior Health and Peer Counseling, and Wise Senior Services), I would like to thank you for your excellent program on September 24, 1996, "The Secrets of Successful Transitions".
I have enclosed the results of the evaluation forms, and as you can see, you were a hit. The comments, both from the participants on their way out and on the evaluation, spoke to your clarity, relevance and interest. It was gratifying to be able to present a program with such universal appeal.
Again, we would like to thank you and we hope that we can call upon you some time in the future.
Fran D. Goldfard, MA, CHES
Health Educator, Senior Health and Peer Counseling
Santa Monica, California