Family Medicine Spokane
Fifth & Brown Medical Center
(509) 25-2771
March 11, 1946
University of California, Berkeley, 1964-1965
University of California, Los Angeles, 1965-1968
San Fernando Valley State College, 1968-1969
University of Houston, 1969-1972
B.A., 1968, UCLA
M.A., 1971, University of Houston
Ph.D., 1972, University of Houston
Clinical Instructor
University of Washington
Department of Psychiatry
Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Washington
Department of Family Medicine
Director of Behavioral Sciences
Family Medicine Spokane
University of Washington School of Medicine
- Curriculum development and implementation
- Provide lectures, demonstrations, and consultations to residents and faculty
- Evaluation of residents’ skills in behavioral science
- Create and conduct workshops and programs for weight loss and weight management
Behavioral Science Instructor
Family Practice Residency Program
Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center
- Supervision of professional staff and trainees
- Provide lectures, demonstrations, and consultations to Family Practice residents and faculty
- Program planning and curriculum development
- Hospital consultations
- Create and supervise a weight loss program for patients and staff
Senior Instructor: UCLA Extension
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles
Consultant: British Government
- Provide workshops for government officials on psychological topics
- Conduct seminar on team building, stress reduction, and conflict resolution < /li>
Consultant: U.S. Navy
- Provide training in negotiation skills
- Conduct seminars on stress management, team building
Consultant: Canyon Ranch
- Conduct lectures and workshops on health promotion and enhancing success
- Provide individual counseling for spa guests on weight loss and weight management
Director of Behavioral Sciences,
Valley Medical Center of Fresno
Department of Family Practice
Assistant Clinical Professor,
Division of Ambulatory and Community Medicine
University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry
- Programming planning of Behavioral Science curriculum for Family Practice staff and residents
- Provide lectures., demonstrations, and on-site supervision for residents and hospital nurses
- Consultant to hospital administrative staff
- Psychological assessment
- Individual, group, and family therapy
- Supervision of doctoral-level psychology students
- Conduct research and program evaluation
- Supervision of Behavioral Science staff including social workers and psychologists
- Instructor, Family Nurse Practitioner Program
Behavioral Science Consultant,
Sierra Hospital
Fresno County, California
- Lectures and demonstrations in improving staff-patient communication and the psychology of illness and health
- Consultant for staff on the management of behavioral problems in medical settings
California State University, Fresno
- Taught graduate courses in psychotherapy
Clinical Psychologist
Pre-Care Coordinator and Monitor
Fresno County Department of Mental Health
- Individual, conjoint, marital, family and group therapy with adult outpatients
- Diagnosis assessment
- Program evaluation
- Consultant to the Fresno County Jail
Clinical Psychologist
- Consultant to Telephone Hotline
- Consultant to Family Practice Service of the County Hospital
- Supervision of Master’s-level psychology and social work students from California State University, Fresno
- Behavior therapy program of obesity
- Administrative responsibility for team of psychiatrists, social workers and paraprofessionals
- Supervision of psychiatric residents
- Program planning for Crisis Services
- Responsible for developing effective referral system between departments within Mental Health Department and within the county
- Training of Paramedical Emergency Rescue Team
- Training of hospital nurse staff in Crisis Intervention techniques
Core Instructor
California School of Professional Psychology, Fresno
- Teach courses in techniques and theory and psychotherapy to doctoral candidates
- Supervise doctoral students in individual psychotherapy
- Supervise doctoral students in consulting with physicians and general hospital patients
California State University, Fresno (Extension)
Intern in Clinical Psychology
Houston Veterans Administration Hospital
- Diagnostic Assessment
- Individual and group psychotherapy
- Consultant to halfway House for Federal parolees
- Consultant to Juvenile Probation Department
- Group psychotherapy with addicts and consultation with staff on a Methadone Maintenance Program
- Family therapy and diagnostic assessment of children
Intern in Clinical Psychology:
Houston Veterans Administration Hospital
- Assessment and therapy on renal dialysis ward
- Group therapy with nurses working with terminal patients
- Individual, group, and hypnotherapy with spinal injured patients
- Instructor of undergraduate course.
Doctoral Candidate
University of Houston, Clinical Psychology Program
- Coursework: Research and Practicums
- Ecological Research at a physical rehabilitation hospital
- Diagnostic assessment, individual and group therapy at a community mental health center
Master’s Candidate,
University of Houston Clinical Psychology Program
Deputy Probation Officer,
Los Angeles County Probation Department
- Family therapy and vocational counseling with adult and child probationers
- Senior Resident’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in Family Practice, 1981, 1997
- National Institute of Mental Health Predoctoral Fellowship awarded 1970
- Phi Kappa Phi
- Ph.D orals passed with Honors
- American Association of Suicidology
- American Board of Hypnotherapy
- American Psychological Association
- American Psychotherapists Guild
- Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy
- Association for Humanistic Psychology
- Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
- Fellow Diplomate. American Board of Medical Psychotherapists and Psychodiagnostics
Maurer, R.J. and J.C. Baxter, “Images of the Neighborhood and the City Among Black, Anglo, and Mexican-American Children, “Environment and Behavior,” 1972, 4,351-388
Maurer, R.J., “Family Assessment,” Family Practice Recertification, August 1983, Vol 5., No.8, Pgs. 27-41, 158-160.
Maurer, R.J., Suicide. In R. Rakel (Eds.). Saunders Manual of Medical Practice., Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1995
Maurer,R. One Small Step Can Change Your Life. New York: Workman Press, 2004
Sur, D. Maurer, R. and Hairir,K. Stress and the modern male. In Joel Heidelbaugh (Ed). Clinical Men’s Health. Evidence in Practice. New York: Saunders, 2006
- Abnormal Psychology
- Assessment of Adult Problems
- Compliance
- Creativity
- Differential Diagnosis of Obesity
- Ethics and Issues in Clinical Psychology
- Family Therapy
- Health Issues in Psychology
- Human Sexuality
- Interviewing
- Marriage and Family Problems
- Personality
- Projective Testing
- Psychology of Storytelling
- Psychotherapy
- Self-defeating behavior
- Storytelling
- Suicide
Behavior Modification: Application of Medicine
- Pacific Medical School, San Francisco
Family Therapy Training
- 150 hours advanced training by George and Ruth McClendon, Western Institute for Group and Family Therapy, Watsonville, California
Group Therapy Training
- One-month intensive workshop in group psychotherapy using transactional analysis, and Gestalt principles, Bob and Mary Goulding, Western Institute for group and Family Therapy, Watsonville, California
Hypnosis Training
- A five-day program on neuro-linguistic Programming by Richard Bandlet
Advanced Reitan Workshop
- 40 hour training in neuropsychological assessment, conducted by Ralph Reitan, Estes Park, Colorado.
Sex, Therapy Workshops
- 50-hour training in the principles of sex counseling, University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, Human Sexuality Program
“Type A” Behavior Pattern Risk Reduction
- Two-week training with Meyer Friedman
American Board of Hypnotherapy American Board of Medical Psychotherapy
- Board of Psychology, State of California
- Board of Psychology, State of Washington
Available upon request